Sunday, March 27, 2016


EVERYTIME you talk to HAMDAN AL MAKTOUM without me present you are robbing me of my OWN PRIVILEDGED communications and other GOVERNMENTS LEGALLY TORTURE for stolen information.......  plus some information between HAMDAN AL MAKTOUM and LISA ANN MICELI is deemed legally CLASSIFIED.

THAT is why you do not call a WORLD LEADER for illegal sex and monies.

I was never a fan of MARILYN MONROE but in the end after alleged affairs with both KENNEDYS she committed suicide........  sad case of all CRIMES.

WHY I consent to your crimes, stalking fans?? NO.  NEVER.  for your own sake.

DUBAI POLICE said, you are all in my information, then that is CORRUPTION and EXTORTION which means you all called police after robbing me and illegal sex with HAMDAN AL MAKTOUM and asked police illegally to MOVE me out of the way like a MURDER REQUEST to police directly, or THREATS to continue to blog, b/c of your insanity, to the POLICE DIRECTLY.

TRUST ME, FBI hears your crimes, and will be arresting you, so you can be safe in a JAIL CELL.

PLEASE stop stalking him, calling him, and asking him, and begging him, and threatening him, for MY OWN IDENTITY as QUEEN LISA ANN MICELI, of DUBAI.

NO, you cannot do as you wish in my IDENTITY or anyone else's as that is the LAWS in every country.

ROBBING LISA ANN MICELI will make you completely insane and perpetual mind games that you will feel compelled to stalk me to fiqure out what I am doing all day and you will be angry when I speak and claim it is YOUR words......  NOT legal and NOT possible.

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