Sunday, March 27, 2016

STOP ABUSING MY GOOD NAME to meet Hamdan Al Maktoum

Fast forward to the present, why this blog?  To stop your online and offline torture of  Lisa Ann Miceli.  The fan sites are stalking LISA's information, to have sex with Hamdan Al Maktoum for LISA's Queen status and wealth and that is the legal definition of TORTURE in all countries.

I kindly asked all fan sites of Hamdan Al Maktoum to be shut down as you are all in my privacy and committing nothing but crimes, of stalking, lying which is robbery, and prostitution, and fraud for a fake marriage.  That is TORTURE of Lisa Ann Miceli, the real and only Queen of Dubai and Hamdan Al Maktoum told me I am his only legal wife ever because of his laws and USA laws as well.

Hamdan Al Maktoum blames the women not him, for his torture and cheating.  You are NOT diplomatic immune being his fake wife or hooking stalking lover ever in any country.

What you fans are doing is all crimes.  THE UAE IS A CONSTITUTIONAL MONARCHY and a patriarchal society, and there is NO FREEDOM OF SPEECH IN THE MIDDLE EAST.

These internet sites are TORTURE of the real Queen of DUBAI and need shut down immediately, as all CRIMES.

THE FBI in the USA agrees with Lisa Ann Miceli and so does USA Secret Service.  People in my identity when not allowed to be there is TORTURE.

If you rob or kill Lisa Ann Miceli, you will NOT be the next or real Queen of Dubai ever.  You will and are heading to prison for your crimes.

Please stop your fan sites on a man you do not know and do not understand what he is saying or doing on camera online ever.

His videos and poetry is all LISA ANN MICELIs marriage to him and it is NO fairy tale.

HE is organized crimes and CORRUPTION when he tells hookers to have sex for LISA ANN MICELI.   He had had this same sexual addiction since high school and his father claimed he would get him treatment, yet he never has.

He will blame YOU, not him, for his prostitution problems.  It is NOT love at all, it is just all ROUGH SODOMY sex with hookers behind my back.

SO,why is this sex a problem???  b/c FBI said that LISA ANN MICELI's monies is being used illegally for FRAUD purposes and that is deemed MONEY LAUNDERING by the FBI and one more issue is the TERRORISM problems.

I will explain the whole terrorism connection to HAMDAN AL MAKTOUM in the next post.

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