Sunday, March 27, 2016

THE HAMDAN AL MAKTOUM terrorism connection.

Before I say anything at all, I want the public to know that I am pro marriage, pro all religions, and pro business.   I am ANTI-WAR.   I am anti-violence.  I love you all.  I am telling you this information to help you understand the true roots of terrorism and to help you to help yourself stay safe and hope and pray we find better WORLD LEADERS.  I do not HATE the terrorists.  I love them and cannot imagine the fear and pain they must be going through to bomb the masses repeatedly like this men are doing.  I cannot pay any terrorists, even though I hear they are desperate peoples, but you can contact me to talk and get your information to the public that you want others to know.

I have tried to talk to the USA President to tell him to please back off of these people and try other methods to make peace and stop these heinous acts on civilians. Have you ever tried to talk to anyone important about USA foreign policy??  DO NOT DO THAT ALONE.  The USA government will arrest YOU and even if you go through peaceful channels to talk, like police, and you are being totally kind and only exercising your rights to freedom of speech because after all it is YOUR own tax dollars in the USA being abused to fight already abused people called TERRORISTS.

SAD CASES.  Anyone is psychology knows, that suicide is a MENTAL HEALTH DISORDER.  All acts of terrorism in the world, are a direct result of desperate people hurting others because of being totally insane wanting to hurt themselves as well.   These acts of global terrorism need to be treated with professional psychologists, NOT USA military FORCE.

SO, how is HAMDAN AL MAKTOUM connected to global terrorism??   When OBL was giving his public speeches he was talking in FEAR and OUTRAGE over Hamdan Al Maktoum's organized crimes and INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY theft of QUEEN LISA ANN MICELI in the USA.

That is what he was talking about in those tapes on the internet and in the media.

He was afraid of HAMDAN AL MAKTOUM's constant corruption.  No one in the world, wants to work their ass off for wealth and be robbed by a con and laughed at by a WORLD LEADER and no legal justice being served properly.  THAT was OBL's biggest fears and motivations for terrorism in the WORLD.  OBL believed that the MIDDLE EAST was a scary corrupt world because even their RULERS did not follow ISLAM properly, but like Hamdan Al Maktoum practiced organized crimes.

WHY is that sooo scary?? ISLAM in the MIDDLE EAST is the legal justice system in the MIDDLE EAST.  That means if the rulers are NOT just then they could die from a con in their businesses or a hooker in their marriages.  SO, that is why EXTREME ISLAM rose up in the world, to FIGHT CORRUPTION AND ORGANIZED CRIMES.

That is exactly what Hamdan Al Maktoum is and OBL was telling me that for my FRIENDSHIP and protection.   After all, it is my identity that Hamdan Al Maktoum stole for his country, the UAE, in the 90's and currently and it is MY marriage that he is abusing daily.

THAT is the true roots of GLOBAL TERRORISM....... no one in the higher ups of the ROYAL FAMILIES is practicing true and moderate ISLAM.

That is scary to all MIDDLE EASTERN PEOPLE.   THAT causes the terrorism globally.

ORGANIZED CRIME AND CORRUPTION ruins bodies, families, and money, and minds, so people cannot survive in a healthy manner is why people go insanely scared and rightfully.

Unfortunately, the USA does not help the MIDDLE EAST at all properly.  THEY abuse those people's further with extreme MILITARY force, instead of using clinical psychologists to fix people's lives properly.

PLEASE STOP THE TERRORISM and start talking to me, so I can pass your concerns on properly to all governments, as HAMDAN AL MAKTOUM's real and only QUEEN WIFE.

I am truly pro peace and trained in clinical psychology to help people.

I know the devastation of corruption and organized crimes on me personally and my family too.

I tried to stop these crimes with local police many many many times now already.

THE USA FANS of HAMDAN AL MAKTOUM are crazy is all it is.  They want to torture people for wealth and status illegally.

I kindly asked all of the fan sites to shut down for WORLD PEACE PURPOSES PLEASE.

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