Sunday, March 27, 2016


because you go into LISA ANN MICELI's identity illegally and USA SECRET SERVICE said you cannot get out of MY IDENTITY EVER afterwards.........

CASE STUDY,  Kelly Werner, my former roommate in Raleigh, North Carolina, met HAMDAN AL MAKTOUM in person, on my wedding plans, and had sex with HAMDAN AL MAKTOUM in person in NYC and stole my funds and is now LEGALLY AND CLINICALLY INSANE.

There are laws in the WORLD to protect minds from insanity, and she EXTORTED from me, and is now INSANE.  She thinks she is LISA in her head and mind forever now and that means she is NOW longer KELLY her own identity anymore at all.

For example, I did not know of her affair with HAMDAN AL MAKTOUM.  I thought it was MJ strikes again, with another affair, and it was my real FIANCEE HAMDAN AL MAKTOUM.

So, I spoke to her afterwards and she was completely insane, and thought me talking to her was total HARASSMENT.   Impossible.  I was not talking HER private life, but my own only. THAT is NOT HARASSMENT.

Kelly is HARASSMENT in my identity illegally.  SO, she hired illegally, as it is a LEGAL CONFLICT of INTEREST, my former LEGAL team, the DEMENT LAW FIRM to sue me, and claim my social circle, is HER people only and I was living for 2 years 600 miles away from her and our social circle.  SHE IS TOTALLY INSANE now, because she thinks that she is LISA.

She wanted my child to be given to her because he was CRYING when I was on the phone, and she told a JUDGE it was HER child from my body and my marriage to HAMDAN AL MAKTOUM.

Impossible logic, of a roommate who stole my IDENTITY for illegal sex with my fiancee and illegal monies from my accounts with him.

She is now legally married to another man and claims LISA ANN MICELI does not know HAMDAN AL MAKTOUM.   I knew him since the 90's when he agreed to marry me in 2001.

I now know him for 23 YEARS....... she did not know him at all when she had sex with him in NYC, she thought RICH MIDDLE EASTERN PRINCE.  that is all illegal in the USA PROSTITUTION.

SAD CASE STUDY of total INSANITY from illegal CRIMES.


KELLY WERNER is forever insane b/c she believes that she is both the body and mind of LISA ANN MICELI and Kelly Werner too.

HOW AND WHY did this happen??

Hamdan AL MAKTOUM called a friend of mine to help him to get me to my wedding with him and she should up without me, with criminal intent, and went clinically and legally insane afterwards.

THAT IS WHY you never show up without LISA ANN MICELI and must legally pass me all messages from behind my back always.

THAT IS THE LAW and LAWS protect people from HARM like permanent MENTAL INSANITY.

I spoke to the USA GOVERNMENT about this IDENTITY THEFT and they said FOREVER information locked inside her head, like a WAR CRIMES...... and why would a USA person ever consent and seek out illegal PROSTITUTION when that is considered legally to be VIOLENCE against WOMEN.....?????  which is more WAR CRIMES which forever damages YOUR mind.

Hamdan is still with LISA ANN MICELI and Kelly Werner is now moved on to another man but has my INFORMATION locked in her head forever and it clearly upsets her as she sued me to stop HER own insanity.

That is NOT legally ever possible....... and her own FAULT, not HAMDAN AL MAKTOUM's fault, as he asked her for LISA ANN MICELI.

DET MATT SUTTER in ANAHIEM, CA has a similar case as well, with ANGELICQUE MCQUEEN and wrote a 44 page police report on her as well, claiming HAMDAN AL MAKTOUM was raped and robbed and LISA too on our wedding stories.


FBI called these USA hookers EXTORTION AND FRAUD.  They are not legally allowed to do BUSINESS on LISA ANN MICELI's stolen identity EVER.

SO, please stop seeking out VIOLENCE in the form of PROSTITUTION.......... then claiming afterwards to be a VICTIM..........  NOT TRUE.

HAMDAN AL MAKTOUM does not even know these WOMEN at all..... they hear RICH MIDDLE EASTERN PRINCE in their heads only.

THAT is not even REALITY......................

LISA ANN MICELI is supposed to be a fairy tale marriage to HAMDAN AL MAKTOUM DUBAI ROYALTY and yet I never had that yet, b/c of organized crimes around the world.

YOU STALKING FRAUDS need to stop your VIOLENCE and that will stop the GLOBAL TERRORISM.

NO ONE wants a stalking hooker in their marriages.......... plus, thank GOD, it is NOT legal either.

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